
 Receptionist:Good morning,Hotel resort Nacho how can i help you

Caller:Hi good morning i call to make a reservation

Receotionis:Sur what is your name 

Caller:Is Fernado

Receptionist:Ok Mr Fernando, what day you want your reservation?

Caller:5 august

Receptionist:Ok how many people?

Caller:for 1 people

Receptonist:Ok, for how many nights do you wan to stay?

Caller:for five nights

Receptionist:Ok what tipe of room would you like?

Caller:What is the price of the double room and the single room

Receptionist:The price of the single room it is $60 a night and the double room is  $100 a nigth

Receptionist:Ok will you pay cash or card

Caller:With card

Receptionist:What is your card number

Caller:Is 199076419

Receptionist:Ok your check in is at 1 pm, do you have any questions?

Caller:No, tank you

Receptionist:with pleasure


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Hotel Resort Nacho